Postboks 5091, Majorstua
Oslo, 0301
The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE) is a directorate under the Norwegian Ministry of Energy and is responsible for the management of Norway’s water and energy resources. NVE also works to reduce the risk of damages associated with landslides and flooding. NVE believes in open dialogue with the local communities, ensuring that all interested parties receive the necessary information. The directorate aims to ensure an integrated and environmentally sound management of the country’s water systems, promote efficient energy markets and cost-effective energy systems, and contribute to efficient energy use. NVE also bears the overall responsibility for maintaining national power supplies. NVE is involved in research and development (R&D) and international development assistance NVE is also the national centre for expertise in hydrology. In addition, with its expertise in systematic mapping and observation, NVE has become an important actor both in national and international climate research.
Organisation Type
Organisation Activities
Committee on Fluvial Hydraulics
Committee on Flood Risk Management
Committee on Hydraulic Structures
Working Group on Scour Research
Working Group on Nature Based Solutions
Committee on Global Water Security
Working Group on Transient Flows
Working Group on Water System Operations
Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals
Working Group on Reservoir Sedimentation
IAHR/WMO/IAHS Working Group on Hydrometry Training Course
IAHR-Hohai Co-Committee on Higher Education and E-learning
Committee on Education and Professional Development
Committee on Water Resources Management
IAHR/IWA Joint Committee on Urban Drainage
IAHR/IWA Joint Committee on Outfall Systems
IAHR/IWA Joint Committee on Hydroinformatics
Committee on Ice Research and Engineering
Committee on Groundwater Hydraulics and Management
Committee on Ecohydraulics
Committee on Coastal and Maritime Hydraulics
Committee on Climate Change Adaptation
Committee on Industrial Flows and Energy Exchange
Committee on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems
Committee on Fluid Mechanics
Committee on Experimental Methods and Instrumentation