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Proceedings of the 28th IAHR World Congress (Graz, 1999)

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ID Title Authors Year
13773 2-D Models for Suspended Sediment Transport-Comparative Use for the Case of Ptuj Lake
A. Paquier; S. Massart; M. Krzyk; M. Cetina
13774 Modeling Merging Jets in a Co-Flowing Environment
H. J. Wang; M. J. Davidson
13775 Determining the Contribution of Flow Expansion and Contraction to the Head Losses Generated in Meandering Compound Channels When Flood Plain Flow Passes over a Trench (SLOT) in the Channel Bed
Breac Macleod; And Alan Ervine
13776 The Influence of Scale on the Interaction Mechanisms in Meandering Compound Channels
Breac Macleod; Alan Ervine
13777 An Experimental Study on the Tidal Vortexes in a Strait
Y. Baba; T. Ishigaki; H. Kishimoto
13778 Lateral Dispersion in Strongly Curved Open Channel Flow
Hector R. Bravo
13779 Nutrient Transport Due to Heat-Salt Convection in a Eutrophic Reservoir
Kohji Michioku; Tohru Kanda
13780 Flow Measurements in Rectangular Basins
R. Iasenza; S. Babarutsi
13781 Coherent Structures in Compound Open-Channel Flows: Experimental Investigation Using Dpiv
Joachim V. Lukowicz; Jurgen Kongeter
13782 Numerical Modeling of Mud/Debris-Flows and Risk Assessment on a Torrent Alluvial Fan
Dominique Laigle

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