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Proceedings of the 30th IAHR World Congress (Thessaloniki, 2003)

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ID Title Authors Year
25613 Adaptive Control of Flow and Mass Transport by Multi-Sensor Arrays
N. D. Katopodes
25614 A Critical Review of Calibration
R. Khatibi; D. Jackson; G. Pender; C. Whitlow; M. Werner; T. Harrison
25615 Deriving Effective and Efficient Data Set with Subtractive Clustering Method and Genetic Algorithm
C. D. Liong S. Y. Doan; D. S. K. Karunasingha; C. H. Ong
25616 Turtle-Web-Based Information System: Data Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting for Field Measurements
F. Molkenthin; J. Appt; S. Stumpp
25617 Rainfall-Runoff Process in Mountainous Catchment with Artificial Neural Network
D. Panagoulia; N. Maratos
25618 Wavelets for Synthesis of Mean Daily Flows from Monthly Values
J. Aguirre; X. Vargas
25619 Genetic Algorithms in Assimilating Agro-Hydrological Model Parameters
A. V. M. Ines; A. D. Gupta; P. Droogers; K. Honda
25620 An Object-Oriented Approach to Modelling Real Time Control
M. G. Murray; V. Kutija
25621 Spatial-Temporal Estimation of Land Surface Cover and Temperature Derived from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHHR)
D. Papanastasopoulos; G. Petropoulos
25622 Estimation of Land Surface Moisture Contents in River Catchments Using Satellite Based Remote Sensing Data
D. Papanastasopoulos; S. Dandurucan

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