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Proceedings of the 32nd IAHR World Congress (Venice, 2007)

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ID Title Authors Year
15749 Analysis of Extremes for Hazard Assessment
Daniel Gonzalez-Marco; Agustin Sanchez-Arcilla; Panagiotis Prinos
15750 Numerical Modeling Study for Flow Pattern Changes Induced by Single Groyne
Jungseok Ho; Hong Koo Yeo; Julie Coonrod; Won-Sik Ahn
15751 Numerical Study on the Bed Evolution Process of Channels with Complex Geometries
Hao Zhang; Hajime Nakagawa; Yasunori Muto; Yoshio Muramoto
15752 Flow Characteristices and Sediment Behavior Observed in a Dam Reservoir During Flooding with Gate Discharge
Tomonori Shimada; Yasuharu Watanabe
15753 Sand BAR Landscape and Role of Vegatation and Subsurface Flow on Ecosystem Service
Tetsuro Tsujimoto; Takeshi Katakai; Tetsuya Sumi
15754 ADcp Measurements of Vertical Flow Structure and Coefficients of Float in Flood Flows
Yasuo Nihei; Takehiro Sakai
15755 Experimental Study on Velocity Distribution of Flow Field of Inclined Crest Groyne
Youngsin Roh; Hong Koo Yeo; Joon Gu Kang
15756 Investigation on Factors Affecting Tongguan Elevation and Measures to Lower It
Qingchao Guo; Chunhong Hu; Jianguo Chen
15757 Evaluation of Different Modelling Strategies for Flood Risk Assessment in Urban Areas
H. Apel; G. T. Aronica; H. Kreibich; A. H. Thieken
15758 CSO Detention Considerations: A Comparison Between Concentrating Volumetric Control and a Distributed Volumetric Control System
Patrizia Piro; Marco Carbone; Giuseppina Garofalo; John Sansalone

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