
Working Group on Transient Flows

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Vision, scopes and research focuses

Our aim is to provide with a framework to the transient group community within IAHR association. To the date, there are no other international research associations with a specific representation to hydraulic transients. Eventually, our vision is to organize individual IAHR symposiums or conferences on transients and start to have a sub-theme or a theme on transient in future IAHR congress.

The main focus areas of the working group include:

  • Transient waves theory in hydro-systems

  • Hydro-system diagnosis by means of transient waves

  • Waves-structure interaction in hydro-systems

  • Geysers in storm-water and combined sewer systems

  • Computational transient flows modeling (in closed or opened conduit flows)

  • Transient-turbulent flows (in closed or opened conduit flows)

  • Field works: case studies, practical applications and projects

Leadership Team
Silvia Meniconi

University of Perugia


Vice Chair
David Ferras Segura

UPCT, Cartagena (Spain)


Past Chair

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology | IHE-Delft

Hong Kong SAR, China

José M. Adriasola V.

Bechtel Corporation


Dídia Isabel Cameira Covas

University of Lisbon (Universidade de Lisboa)


Ling Zhou

Hohai University


Behnam Balouchi

Norwegian University of Science and Technology


Sam Bash

Bechtel Corporation

United States of America

Diego Norberto Bottelli



Caterina Capponi

The University of Perugia


Tong-Chuan Che

Hohai University


Richard Collins

University of Sheffield

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Ali Haghighi

Shahid Chamran University


Arturo S. Leon

Florida International University

United States of America

Nicola Paccanelli

Ove Arup Hong Kong


Ilker Telci

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

United States of America

Jose Vasconcelos

Auburn University

United States of America

Muhammad Waqar

King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

Saudi Arabia

Yifan Zheng

Bechtel Corporation

United States of America

Anton Bergant

Litostroj Power d.o.o.


Bruno Brunone

The University of Perugia


Mohammad Hanif Chaudhry

University of South Carolina

United States of America

Mohamed S. Ghidaoui

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Hong Kong SAR, China

Bryan W. Karney

University of Toronto


Chyr Pyng (Jim) Liou

University of Idaho

United States of America


Hydraulic transient is known as the rapidly changing flow inducing pressure waves in closed conduits or open channel systems. This engineering field, which is important for system design and recently found to be valuable for system diagnosis, is being studied by over 500 researchers around the world. In fact, the records show that the 2nd most submissions of papers to the Journal of Hydraulic Research (JHR) are in the topic of hydraulic transients (after sediment transport). Unfortunately, none of the current IAHR conferences/symposiums are dedicated to such field, and there has never been a theme or sub-theme on transient flows in past IAHR congresses.

Prof Silvia Meniconi and Prof Moez Louati organized two successful sessions on transient in pipes in IAHR congress in 2017 (KL) and 2019 (Panama). These two special sessions had over 40 participants and included keynote lectures from top professors in hydraulic transients (including Prof. Bryan Karney, Prof. Hanif M. Chaudhry, Prof. Jim Liou, Prof. Bruno Brunone, Prof. Mohamed S. Ghidaoui). This marked a clear indication that there is an interest for a special theme on transient flows that could bring the transient community together within IAHR. Consequently, a request for a working group on transient flows was proposed and accepted in April 2020 to be held under the technical committee on fluid mechanics.

Building on this momentum, additional dedicated sessions were hosted in Granada (2022) and Vienna (2023). Each attracted more than 50 participants, and featured insightful keynote lectures by experts such as Arris Tjsseling, Hanif Chaudhry, and Bruno Brunone.

Prof. Bryan Karney during his keynote lecture in the 38th IAHR World congress, Panama

Figure 1 Prof. Bryan Karney during his keynote lecture in the 38th IAHR World congress, Panama

A good selection of the transient group during the galla dinner of the 38th IAHR World congress, Panama

Figure 2 A good selection of the transient group during the galla dinner of the 38th IAHR World congress, Panama





thumbnail_IMG_2021 2.jpgFigure 3-7 additional dedicated sessions were hosted in Granada (2022) and Vienna (2023)

Annual report


Upcoming activities: 

8th IAHR Europe Congress | Special session on transient flows

4-7 June 2024, Lisbon (Portugal)

Given the success of the special sessions organized by the Working Group at past IAHR World Congresses, we are now keen to expand this initiative to regional congresses. The organizing committee has accepted a special session for the 8th European Congress on Transient Flows, where seven papers will be presented.

Thematic symposium on transient flows

Date to be determined

The Working Group on Transient Flows would like to launch the 1st Thematic Symposium on Transient Flows. The Symposium is expected to be held during late 2024 or early 2025. Right now, we are at the bidding process stage and currently collecting expressions of interest. 

IAHR Monograph on transient flows

Date to be determined

As a result of the online course on transient flows, the working group is now working on the writing of an IAHR monograph. This monograph will include much of the course contents, which were presented by top researchers in the field covering the entire spectrum of transient flows. We expect to come up with a first monograph draft during early 2024. 

Past activities:

Resources and links


For any inquiry about the Working Group on Transient Flows, please send an email to

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