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Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics (Aberdeen, 2024)

ID Title Authors Year
30642 Measurements of Turbulence Parameters at a Density Interface
Giulia Ravizza Garibaldi; Annalisa Di Bernardino; Paolo Monti; Giovanni Leuzzi; Giorgio Querzoli
30643 Stability Study of the Stratified Flow in the Trapezoidal-Shape Channel with Presence of Background Vorticity
Janek Laanearu; Katrin Kaur; Daniela Malcangio
30644 Modelling Mangrove Ecosystem Engineering Effects
Erik Horstman; Rik Gijsman; Andrew Swales; Thorsten Balke; Pim Willemsen; Daphne Van Der Wal; Kathelijne Wijnberg
30645 Unraveling the Wave-Attenuating Potential of Oyster Reefs by Means of Surrogate Models: A Comprehensive Experimental Analysis
Jan Hitzegrad; Christian Windt; Oliver Lojek; Nils Goseberg
30646 Restoration of Hydro-Morphodynamic Fluxes as a Nbs for Coastal Resilience. Application to Enhance Coastal Roughness in the Ebro Delta (Spanish Mediterranean)
Xavier Sanchez-Artus; Vicente Gracia; Manuel Espino; Antoni Espanya; Ferran Valero; Manel Grifoll; Agustin Sanchez-Arcilla
30647 Advances in the Characterization of Flow Energy Attenuation Provided by Saltmarshes Using Their Standing Biomass
Maria Maza; Isabel Gallego; Fernando Lopez-Arias; Javier L. Lara
30648 Wave Dissipation of Seagrass in Combined Wave-Current Flows
Davide Vettori; Francesco Giordana; Costantino Manes
30649 High Resolution CFD Modelling of Mangrove Wave Interaction via Direct Forcing and Macroscopic Porosity Approaches
David Kelly; Frederic Mann; Azin Lamei; Douglas Pender; Hans Bihs; Widar Wang; Gaurav Savant
30650 Penetration of a Cylinder in a Wet Granular Bed – Experiments and Simulations
Jiayi Li; Lijuan Zhang; Jos Derksen
30651 Two-Fluid LES of Intense Sediment Transport in Open Channel Flow
Manohar Kumar Sharma; Antoine Mathieu; Helder Guta; David Hurther; Remi Chassagne; Cyrille Bonamy; Julien Chauchat

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