26686 |
Innovative Selective Withdrawal Technologies Provide Operational Flexibility for Tailwater Fish Habitat Improvement at Power Stations Philip H. Burgi |
Philip H. Burgi
1995 |
26687 |
Use of Geographic Information Systems for Designing Flow Measurement Networks in a Wide Basin |
Teodoro Estrela
1995 |
26688 |
Economic Evaluation for Water-Supply Reservoirs |
Mouhsing Wang; Songching Lin
1995 |
26689 |
Assessment of the Environmental Impact of a Proposed Dredging Scheme Using a Graded Sediment Transport M Odel |
G. Pender; M. C. Sweeney; Q. Li
1995 |
26690 |
Optimising the Use of Water in a Multi Crop-Soil Irrigation Scheme |
S. D. Gorantiwar; I. K. Smout
1995 |
26691 |
Combined Logical-Num Erical Enhancement of Real-Time Control of Combined Sewer Systems |
Hector Martin Garcia
1995 |
26692 |
Perspective for Small Hydro Powerplants in Greece |
E. C. Kalkani
1995 |
26693 |
An Estimation of the Effects of a Nature-Friendly Levee on the Water Environment |
Masato Noguchi; Wataru Nishida; Takayuki Nagaya
1995 |
26694 |
Scientific Evidence in Environmental Court Cases |
Y. R. Fares; R. N. Malcolm
1995 |
26695 |
An Integrated Hydraulic Approach to Flood M Anagem Ent in Trinidad |
G. S. Shrivastava
1995 |